Welcome to the opening hours page of USC Plex-Fit. Here you will find all relevant information about when Plex-Fit is open, as well as any modified opening hours.
1. Opening hours USC Plex-Fit
2. Modified Opening hours USC Plex-Fit 2024/2025
1. Opening hours USC Plex-Fit
Monday to Friday | 08.00 - 22.00 hrs |
Saturday & Sunday | 11.30 - 15.30 hrs |
2. Modified Opening hours USC Plex-Fit 2024/2025
Easter | 20-04-2025 - 21-04-2025 | closed |
King's Day | 26-04-2025 | closed |
Liberation Day | 5-05-2025 | closed |
Ascension Day | 29-05-2025 - 30-05-2025 | closed |
Pentecost | 08-06-2025 - 09-06-2025 | closed |
Summer | 23-06-2025 - 10-08-2025 | open
Mon-Fri 08:00 - 14:00 open Sat-Sun 11:30 - 15:30 |