Opening hours USC Main Building

Opening hours USC Main Building

Welcome to the opening hours page of the main building of the University Sports Centre Leiden. Here you will find all relevant information about when the main building is open, as well as any modified opening hours.

1. Opening Hours USC Main Building
2. Modified Opening Hours USC 2024

1. Opening Hours USC Main Building

DayOpen for sport
(Inc. Fitness)
Open USC main building
Monday to Friday08.00 - 23.00 hrs07.30 - 23.45 hrs
Saturday09.00 - 16.00 hrs08.30 - 16.15 hrs
Sunday09.00 - 16.00 hrs08.30 - 16.15 hrs

2. Modified Opening Hours USC 2024

Easter29-3-2024open 09.00 - 16.00 hrs, no classes/training/matches
Easter30-3-2024normal opening hours, normal schedule
Easter1-4-2024open 09.00 - 16.00 hrs, no classes/training/matches
King's Day27-4-2024closed
Liberation Day5-5-2024open 09.00 - 16.00 hrs, no classes/training/matches
Ascension Day9-5-2024closed
Ascension Day10-5-2024open 09.00 - 16.00 hrs, no classes/training/matches
Pentecost20-5-2024open 09.00 - 16.00 hrs, no classes/training/matches
Summer24-6-2024 to 1-9-2024normal opening hours, adjusted class schedule, no training/matches
EL CID week12-8-2024 to 18-8-2024normal opening hours, no classes/training/matches
Leidens Ontzet2-10-2024normal opening hours, no classes/training/matches
Leidens Ontzet3-10-2024closed
Christmas23-12-2024 and 24-12-2024open 09.00 - 16.00 hrs, no classes/training/matches
Christmas25-12-2024 to 26-12-2024closed
New Years27-12-2024 to 30-12-2024open 09.00 - 16.00 hrs, no classes/training/matches
New Years31-12-2024 to 1-1-2024closed

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