Registration rules

Registration rules

Registration and check-in rules

You have to register for all group classes and circuit/HIIT trainings at the USC. Registration is possible through our website ( or our app (Android of iOS). You can also use this app to cancel a booking.


The following rules on group class and fitness registrations are in effect

Group Classes USC Leiden and The Hague

Circuit trainings / HIIT USC Leiden and The Hague

Swimming pool and ice skating visit Leiden and The Hague

No Show: Sanctions non-attendance

The USC uses a warning and fine system for group classes, circuit/HIIT trainings and free bookings for indoor sports. It is important that the space available for sports is used as efficiently as possible for our members. If you don't attend your reservation and if you do not cancel this reservation in time, you will receive a warning the first time. This warning is valid for two months, after which it will expire automatically. If you don't attend a reservation a second time within these two months your account will be blocked for 7 days and you will be fined € 2,50.

After 7 days, your account will become active again and the fine will automatically expire. You can also choose to pay the fine through our APP or Front Desk. If you do so, you can immediately make a reservation again after payment of the fine. This system only applies to group classes and fitness bookings.

PLEASE NOTE: All previous reservations will remain despite the fine. If you are unable to attend one of the reservations because of the fine, you can cancel them yourself. If you don't, you will automatically receive a fine. If you still receive a fine, please contact the USC via and the extra unjustified fine will be removed.

If you do not agree with a warning or fine, you can send an e-mail to in which you explain your situation and why you should not have received the warning or fine. The USC will review your situation.

We do not use this system for courses.

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