Warning and fine system USC

Warning and fine system USC

Warning and fine system USC

Warning and fine system USC

In the coming weeks the USC will start with a warning and fine system. It is important that the space available for sports is used as good as possible for our members. If you are not attending your reservation and if you do not cancel this reservation in time, you will receive a warning the first time. This warning is valid for two months, after which it will expire automatically. If you are not attending a reservation a second time within these two months your account will be blocked for 7 days and you will be fined 2.50 euros.

After 7 days, your account will become active again and the fine will automatically expire. You can also choose to pay the fine. If you do so, you can immediately make a reservation again after payment of the fine. This system only applies to group classes and fitness registrations.

If you do not agree with a warning, you can send an e-mail to sportcentrum@usc.leidenuniv.nl in which you explain your situation and why you should not have received the warning. The USC will review your situation.

We will notify you later through all of our channels when this system will be in effect.

Posted on 6 April 2022, at 03:26 PM

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