Dealing with your daily routine

The past two and a half weeks have been very challenging for everyone and completely messed up our lives. It’s been difficult and stressful trying to make the best out of it and finding a new daily routine that will give us some sort of structure again.
1.During the week set up a wake up and sleeping time in order to regulate your body’s natural clock. Exposure to some natural morning light will help to ‘wake you up’ and get a fresh start, so if possible have your cup of coffee or tea on your balcony, patio or in front of your doorstep.
2.Working from home and having access to your fridge all day long can trigger overeating. Try to plan or prepare your meals ahead and maintain a normal meal structure of eating your large meals and snacks like you are used to.
3. Avoid caffeine late in the day. Caffeine can mess up your sleeping time.
4.Working out at home is for most of us (definitely me!) not all that great. I miss the gym, but also know that I need to keep on training in order to maintain a certain level of fitness, stay motivated and release some stress. I always feel better afterwards so that tells me I need to change my mind set about ‘me missing the gym’ and commit to a couple of home workouts per week.
Workout prep:Find fun workouts to do and plan them into your next week’s schedule.
For example this week I planned in two trainings with my (now virtual) training buddy, and one by myself. The forth training on Saturday will be an online workout I signed up for. (together with hundreds of women all over the world)
Why doing this workout prep? Well, because training time means you have to go for it and not waste time thinking about what you’re going to do next.
Stay healthy, eat clean and keep on moving.
Zella van der Toorn Vrijthoff
Team Fitness USC Leiden