Energizing Your Workweek: a recap of Leiden University's Employee Vitality Week

Energizing Your Workweek: a recap of Leiden University's Employee Vitality Week

Energizing Your Workweek: a recap of Leiden University's Employee Vitality Week

Energizing Your Workweek: a recap of Leiden University's Employee Vitality Week

From Monday, September 25th, to Friday, September 29th, Leiden University organized a week dedicated to employee vitality, in collaboration with the University Sports Center and My Daily Lifestyle.

Many employees occasionally experience fatigue after a day of work and could benefit from an energy boost. Feeling good about yourself is essential for optimal performance, and starting the day with a fresh and active mindset is a great way to achieve that.

Throughout the vitality week, a diverse range of workshops were offered at the University Sports Centre (USC) to help you enhance your physical and mental resilience. These workshops included activities such as Yin Yang Yoga, Boxing, X-core, Mindfulness, Pilates, Power Yoga, Jumping Fitness, and Zumba. Did you have the opportunity to participate in any of these sessions as well?

Posted on 4 October 2023, at 12:46 PM

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