Warm Sweater Day

Warm Sweater Day

Warm Sweater Day

Warm Sweater Day

On Friday, February 10th, we celebrated the 17th Warm Sweater Day at USC! A good reason to take a class Boot Camp and Boxing with the employees to protect us against the cold. The ideal opportunity to combine sport and sustainability!

Every year many people actively sign up for Warm Sweater Day with the message 'warm yourself, not the world'. Because, if everyone turns the heating down 1 degree, for one season, that saves 1 megaton of CO₂. Which means: together we can make a difference!

At USC Leiden we also actively participated in Warm Sweater Day. Since the heating was lowered or even turned off at various locations within Leiden University, our teacher Kathelijne had prepared a class Boot Camp and Boxing. In small groups we did various exercises with enthusiastic dedication.

After we had burned some calories, it was time for stretching, and coffee and cake were ready in the USC catering. At the table we could relax and there was some time to admire each other's warm sweaters. All in all a successful morning!

Curious about our next activity in the context of sustainability? Check our website https://www.uscleiden.nl/over-usc/sustainability/ or follow us on Instagram USC Leiden.

Posted on 20 February 2023, at 10:24 AM

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